
Showing posts from January, 2009

Denial... part of the key for me in: warped self-image, self-delusion, and ongoing eating

  I was reading the People's online "Look Great in '09" article, and Stacie Guines said: "...I could pretend I hadn't eaten yet and could go get more food. I was in denial." This really struck me...I realize that I have also been like 'Cleopatra, queen of deNial'...about 1) warped self-image 2) self-delusions about what I am doing 3) ongoing eating I am going to think about denial some more, and where and when it occurs...I know it does because sometimes I get "slaps" of reality, like clothes-shopping (this doesn't happen that much, as I am SO NOT a shop-a-holic like I was a few decades ago; and when I am 'binge-ing' and why; and when I see pictures of myself. I will also explore how these weird reality denials occur...part of it may be family-related/society-related , even historical necessity (like the deer eating corn, fighting when there is enough)...Recently, at the dinner table with my folks, I acknowledged that our wh...

Spark does sparked me to exercise.

  I haven't been on in awhile...and getting points via email made me want to get points to exercise, which made me exercise for an hour while watching TV, whereas otherwise I would have just sat on my butt watching TV. Gooooo Spark! Member Comments About This Blog Post v DOOMETTE6 Go you go. Yeah, I was getting points from reading emails and spinning the login wheel for a while, then I quit kidding myself that it was helping me at all. 4599 days ago

Holi-dazed and laid low, now sparkin' up!

  Bah-humbug. I don't enjoy the holidaze. The consumerism, the lack of eco/green-ness (energy and paper waste are each up a third in the month of Dec...for what? not all of it is filled with good cheer....) This year, I fore-stalled as long as I could, then got rounded up into it via family demands, and ended up stuck, polluting, in traffic, in nasty gray snow, until I hit the highway and shopped at my local co-op for as many things as I could get away with giving from their more earth-friendly wares...fair trade hot chocolate for dad, beeswax, local candles for my sisters and mom, lots of things for baking, and was thus given at least a respite from the walmartXmas monstrosity that so many love so much. It WAS nice to see my family, and I stayed out of the range of my Bro-in-law who pissed me off a lot by sending out email reprimands re: gifts. I hope I didn't ruin it too much for my sister who I told that I hate xmas. We are ONLY NOW winding down. As Eastern Europeans, with E...