Denial... part of the key for me in: warped self-image, self-delusion, and ongoing eating

 I was reading the People's online "Look Great in '09" article, and Stacie Guines said: "...I could pretend I hadn't eaten yet and could go get more food. I was in denial."

This really struck me...I realize that I have also been like 'Cleopatra, queen of deNial'...about
1) warped self-image
2) self-delusions about what I am doing
3) ongoing eating

I am going to think about denial some more, and where and when it occurs...I know it does because sometimes I get "slaps" of reality, like clothes-shopping (this doesn't happen that much, as I am SO NOT a shop-a-holic like I was a few decades ago; and when I am 'binge-ing' and why; and when I see pictures of myself.

I will also explore how these weird reality denials occur...part of it may be family-related/society-related, even historical necessity (like the deer eating corn, fighting when there is enough)...Recently, at the dinner table with my folks, I acknowledged that our whole family has "eagle eyes" often enough, about what everyone else is eating. This is out of some sort of competition/bossiness/self-protection.

Dang! Food is just such a loaded issue....

The link that inspired this:

and further along in that People story (with a Spark star!):

"...Nobody knew the volume of food I ate because I had food stashed..." Paige Schmelzer in People online story ***

- this is more of the denial that many of us *live* and em*body*...ultimately, literally. Plus, I often laugh at myself later that "nobody knew" - it was there, hanging from my belly...EVERY BODY knew, eventually.



Member Comments About This Blog Post
    I can relate. I have a habit of not viewing myself as pudged, in contrast to what I understand a lot of folks who are really slender think they are fat. I think part of my problem is my eyeglasses! When I remove them, I get a sense of width about everything! But photos reveal the inequities. Thanks for blogging and sharing it. Regards, Pat, aka Palettehead


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