Sparkin' Year..."Keep on keepin' on"; 1-1-11 goal
New Year (Pagan) = New Me
Halloween is considered the end of the year in some pagan circles, which makes sense: Harvest is over and it's the re-seeding time, the inward time.
So I'm back. Interesting how many acquaintances on Spark have been successful1 (Happy for them, though a little jealous/resentful/striving to work harder). Plus my sister had announced that she was going to do weight watchers at the start of the school year (she's a teacher) and today she announced she's lost 30 pounds! Yea!! :D I started to think about job hunting, and the upcoming holidaze and decided it was time to make more progress.
Harder for me, since I have a sick metabolism (Hashimoto's thyroiditis with Schmidt's Syndrome) I need a thryoid Rx, which I can't get as I have no insurance, so no metabolism... :( Though I do scrounge pills from others, on occasion. a drug deal.
But, even so, in 2010, I have lost some weight (I can tell by some tummy stretch marks) just by going back to being vegetarian, though I did have some lowering-of-protein dizzy spells for the first few months, until I started to watch that more carefully. I was also walking a lot on occasion, but not completely consistently. Also some gardening. Didn't really run this summer though, and mostly avoided the sun-good for my skin, not my physique.
Anyway, time to start fresh. Goal for Nov and Dec: to have lost 20 pounds over the holidaze...harder at this time of year, but more rewarding, because pictures are taken then, but the feast-ing foods are generally richer (take today's food entries...super high in fat for me, normally I don't get a ton) because we were having a family Memorial Dinner for my grandmother who just passed away, and also because I messed up and didn't open the lower fat sour cream container when I thought I had)
So, new things...I've been photoshopping, and need to do some w3schools and nanowrimo and a more active job hunt; I'm including the picture I made in memory of my grandmother (who lived to be ~101.6). Also, started long blog entry for Goddess group over 12 hours ago, but haven't posted yet, as it's not done. So, writing, studying, art-ing (maybe some Illustrator so I don't totally suck at that), fractals, 3d, and of course pshop, along with altar-ed arts and fibre arts, especially knitting, and pysanky. Multiple income streams. Dream job intentioning and obtaining and then keeping (and keeping it my dream...reality can be such a crusher, lol) and losing weight, saving $, putting down roots. New Moon, New Year, new plans, intentions, and ACTIONS!!! That's where I'm least consistent. Also neater.
Well, I'm back, again. I vow to stay on through at least 1-1-11, and maybe 1-1-12, and on until I really reach my goal this time. There is an app for that, so no excuses.
Oh, and the new nutrition validation rocks, Sparkpeople...good job. Good job to us all, for surviving and thriving. Time moves on and so must I...out of my stuckness.
New window on the world, literally, tomorrow.
Member Comments About This Blog Post
I feel like I start over every morning! I think I'm going to enjoy reading your blogs. I do hope you're able to get the medication you need soon, our thyroid gland is in control of a lot that goes on in our bodies.
3931 days ago - vLISA0517
I am of the Starting Over Again clan too. So here's to one day at a time! Hang in there!
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