Hello, again!
I've been on and off in the past year . Am back for at least autumn , maybe winter . My sister visited, and she, who has lost 70+ pounds was looking good , and shopping her own closet from a decade ago, made me want to follow thru on my plans, bette r. She is a 'weight watcher' and other than writing down what she eats and going to a meeting once a week for a weigh-in , plus she walks her big dog at least daily , doesn't do as much as I do in terms of online engagement when I'm active on this site . I ran around, clicking and linking and liking and getting points, but she lost more and stayed on track. Her results were real , not virtual. So I may keep it simpler then I have in the past, focusing more on results , less on process. Blessings of success during this waning moon! Member ...