Back from a Binge - Craving Consistency

 After a particularly *nasty* time, I held off for one day, then gave into my slow-churn (low-fat) ice cream emoticon & doom. Researching binges & emotional eating, trying to understand how to get over these. The ice cream numbed me out for awhile, so it did its job, but then I don't ever like the long-term results. Must find better way to deal.

But I'm back. Went to my group 5k training yesterday, which, even tho way overtly xian, pushed me harder physically than I've pushed myself, & I was still in the 2nd to last slow walking emoticon group (not walk-running, like I'd expected).

So if I can stick to it, I can do another 5k, 7 years after my first one. emoticon

Member Comments About This Blog Post
  • vSBEAR5
    Awesome that you have a group training! I've come in DFL at a small race before, the important thing is that we finish! emoticon
    1528 days ago
    Hmm...never heard of nor seen Halo, & I know the frozen section of several cities pretty well - will check it out online. I do have some ice cream sometimes, but it's also my binge 'drug of choice'.
    Twas the first time for the training group for everyone. Still a win, I thought about blowing it off. emoticon .
    1529 days ago
    You're not alone. But you're back, you're doing something about it.
    1530 days ago
  • vno profile photoCD4994568
    But you were not the last! If this was the first time back to the training group I count that as a win! What about switching to Halo Top ice cream? Low calorie, high protein and low sugar. Helps with the occasional "must have ice cream!" emoticon
    1530 days ago


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