Happy New Moon: New Starts, New Cycles: Standing Up
We go through many cycles in life: days, months, years, seasons, lunations, transits, schoolyears, lifestages, etc.
One I mark, in line with my spirituality and connectedness, is the cycle of the moon. Currently la Luna is in the new phase, particularly, according to Western astrology, in Capricorn, which is a creature of Earth, a bull, but often illustrated with the tail of a fish. I used to think of Capricorn as the sign of the business man, until I met one of the most spiritual women I know, my friend Jamie, who was born in the sign of Capricorn. I have also learned that in addition to business and other earthy embodiments, Capricorn is a grounding, a start of new things, a fulfillment of previous intentions and a re-alignment with Terra Firma. In warmer climates, I have planted seeds at this time of year; currently I am in a colder clime, and mostly plant seeds of intention:
1abc) to keep following my daily commitments to balancing, keeping, and tracking my material energy intakes and outflows (food & exercise & water)
2) to make a greater emphasis on my daily work of coding, which has fallen off, partly due to time spent on 1 and spark, and to organization (new moon in Cap is a great time to do some re-organzing & systems analysis)
and {new*ish} 3d) to STAND UP.
I was struck yesterday, when re-reading the article about mostly sitting: -- www.sparkpeople.
-- "Several hours of inactivity reduce the activity of the enzyme lipoprotein lipase....suppressed to 10% of normal levels, resulting in fat retention, lower levels of good cholesterol, and a slower metabolic rate"
REDUCED BY 90%!!!!! Wow.
I *NEED* to make this [STANDING UP] my priority for this lunar cycle:
e) standing up to do some of my work;
f) standing up for 10 min every hour when sitting down to do work,
g) and the metaphoric standing up, politically, for truth and justice.
Okay, time to finish this blog, get off my butt, and go sweep the kitchent!
Member Comments About This Blog Post
I have a desk job and have to be careful about sitting too much. In the past, I would spend five or six hours at a time sitting at my computer without getting up. Now, I make a conscious effort to get up and walk at least once an hour. Sometimes I just walk in place but it gets me moving and my blood flowing before sitting back down.
Your thoughts on cycles is very interesting. It is something I would like to learn more about and will be looking into. Thanks for sharing!
1298 days ago - vCD4994568
I always try to have a window where the moon shines in at night.
1304 days ago - vGO_GAL_GROW
Tuning in to the cycles and blogging about will punctuate your journey and allow you to revisit and reflect. Great blog!
1304 days ago - vPIPPAMOUSE
Interesting. Also, yes on standing up.
1305 days ago - vUSMAWIFE
very interesting
1306 days ago - vMONAKIN314
1306 days ago - vJEANKNEE
I am keyed into cycles (rhythms) too. Continuing to learn to align with them. Life seems to take on a much greater sense of ease, when I can do that.
Wishing you success in achieving your goals.
1306 days ago - vKPHEALTHY4LIFE
1306 days ago - vALEXTHEHUN
Some very interesting thoughts in this.
1306 days ago
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