
Showing posts from February, 2020

*Day 9**: 100 days blogging challenge: getting New's, and Old's

  *I say day 9, but I missed Sun, Mon, Tues, because I'd hurt my hand earlier Sunday, actually after I had typed out most of the below blog post, in a temporary document, but I hadn't gotten to post it on Sparkpeople. I wanted to have a more substantial post than the past-present-future of victories-blessings-goals, so without further explanation.... New Sun, New Sunday, New Moon (-ish), New Mo(o)day, New Week, New Mo(o)nth, New Year, New Decade (-ish); New Me (-ish) Reviewing my recent blogs: From '11 Mistakes Beginners Make in the First Month of Weight Loss', ( esource/motivation_article s.asp?id=2224) The writer opens with: "the first month of a weight-loss journey is a mixed bag of hopes and questions, accomplishments and obstacles—and, of course, the occasional mistake" and I agree: 'develop [-i] lifelong healthy habits' is the goal. I was interested in this article because I've just finished my first month; I had ...

Day 8: 100 days blogging challenge: Happy Candlemas / Imbolc / Maslenitsa*

  3 Small Victories: Didn't binge; made headway cleaning, spinning 15 min 3 Blessings: Time to work on studio, everyone (relatively) healthy, A 3 Goals: Finish cleaning, read, weigh-in *Edited to add, per a comment that Maslenitsa is tied to Easter/Lent... It's true that in today's Slavic cultures, Maslenitsa is tied to Easter, per Catholic customs; however, many/most Catholic/Christian customs and beliefs are built upon the pagan/heathen folkways of the preceding 10,000 years, before Christianity. I believe that Maslenitsa is properly similar to pagan's Celtic celebration of Imbolc, and was subsumed as were many/most pagan traditions (for example, Easter is named for the Goddess Eostre/Ostara). Others, especially Poles (Polish people) also call what I call Maslenitsa, i.e. 'Slavic Imbolc': they call it Gromnica, or Bear Day. You can read more about Maslenitsa if you do a search about it, but I would recommend adding Maslenitsa Ukraine, otherwise you'll be t...