*Day 9**: 100 days blogging challenge: getting New's, and Old's

 *I say day 9, but I missed Sun, Mon, Tues, because I'd hurt my hand earlier Sunday, actually after I had typed out most of the below blog post, in a temporary document, but I hadn't gotten to post it on Sparkpeople. I wanted to have a more substantial post than the past-present-future of victories-blessings-goals, so without further explanation....

New Sun, New Sunday, New Moon (-ish), New Mo(o)day, New Week, New Mo(o)nth, New Year, New Decade (-ish); New Me (-ish)

Reviewing my recent blogs:

From '11 Mistakes Beginners Make in the First Month of Weight Loss', (https://www.sparkpeople.com/r
The writer opens with: "the first month of a weight-loss journey is a mixed bag of hopes and questions, accomplishments and obstacles—and, of course, the occasional mistake" and I agree: 'develop [-i] lifelong healthy habits' is the goal.
I was interested in this article because I've just finished my first month; I had reached my pounds lost goal in week 3, which is good because I had no change in week 4 (& mid-week, when I shouldn't have been weighing myself per that article, I had actually gained, though it was back to the loss by Sunday.
Further, the author said that *new* habits and their results often include:
1) forcing one'sself to eat disliked foods = punishment
2) weighing too often = dismay and disappointment from tiny fluctuations
3) 'prove that it (old food vice) doesn't control you' -one feels like a rebel, 'frisky', guilty, with a mental see-saw of control
4) all-or-nothing mentality of "eating perfectly": instead adopt 80-20 or 2 steps forward, 1 back as there is no perfection

**More tomorrow; am sleepy...

Small victories:
1) Didn't hurt hand badly
2) Didn't gain weight
3) Followed plan even when I wasn't super active (I did log food)
4) (Bonus) Exercised when I didn't feel great

1) Didn't hurt hand badly
2) Everyone's still basically healthy, even as we're getting old (except my sister's dog; she had to put him down yesterday)
3) Peaceful last few days
Goals, tomorrow: 1) shovel snow 2) more studio progress 3) code

Member Comments About This Blog Post
    I love to see all these thoughts written out in front of me. It helps me to see the big picture. I hope that helps you as well.
    Sounds like you are succeeding with your plan, you know what to do, how to do it, what must and must not happen for you to make it. But you’re not too rigid in it.
    Good luck going forward.
    555 days ago
    Sounds like you're doing well... there's always ups and downs. I pray your hand is feeling better and I'm so sorry to hear about your sister's dog... that is sad. I know how horrible that feels. emoticon
    555 days ago
    emoticon first month is often ups & downs ~ sounds like you've got an understanding of yours! Onward :)

    emoticon and sorry about furbaby… emoticon
    556 days ago
    Sounds like a win to me!
    556 days ago
    556 days ago


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