Blogday 20(-16)_100days: June down7, Thyroid, & incl. Lost 3.4 pounds this week

 On one of my teams...the team where I track & report my weekly weight, somewhat sporadically, but have usually checked in at least several times a month...this month one woman is doing some specific weekly challenges in the reporting thread: specifically Sprit, Body, Nutrition, with specific suggestions you can customize to make them your own

Last week, week 3, the challenges, & my actions were:
June Week 3-Sprit: 'take a day/some time for you, self-care, no food as rewards or used as self-care'...

Well...I took more than a day off, lol. During the first week of June I had been VERY focused on sparkin' & food & exercise because I ended up doing a somewhat impromptu self-challenge I called 'netZero' (caloriesIn {food}=caloriesOut {workouts & activity}, for a Zero net change of calories daily so my autonomic processes of living that week would have to burn my fat for all their calories needs). I think this week's loss (or release, as one of my sparkfriends calls it) is partly the result of that week 1. After really pushing myself that first week, by getting mostly 2, and sometimes up to 3, hours of vigorous exercise daily (& just somewhat naturally a lower appetite, and also being VERY careful about my nutrition & calories, usually around 1250 +/-100), with higher protein (100g) & lower carbs than I usually eat (partly by switching my breakfast of 2 slices of bread w/peanut butter & a banana for yogurt and a banana), and skipping lunch (partly because I was exercising, ha!) and an earlier dinner with more protein, mostly chicken, some cheese, some yogurt, some legumes & other veg proteins; I also limited, fewer than normal, my carbs somewhat at dinner. When I wasn't obsessing about eating or exercising or hydrating, I was on spark, maxing out my points, getting around 300 daily (you're welcome, all of my many teams!)

Saturday of that week, the 7th, last, day, it felt like it all came to a screeching half. I just didn't have the energy to really go for it, and so I cut myself some slack. Maybe I just literally didn't have energy because of lower carbs? I had a big dessert, and iirc I binged on something that was less than healthy. This continued into weeks 2 and 3. I did some bingeing behavior, which I hadn't done in awhile, driven sometimes from feelings of hunger (though it was probably thirst as I petered out on hydation (my situation here of less control makes even the simple act of hydrating complicated)) and sometimes feelings of exasperation or anger. I also stopped exercising much.
Part of this might be that I *had* stopped taking my thyroid Rx. I find that I have an extra 'edge' from it, not necessarily in a good way. Sure, it revs my metabolism, but that includes revving my tongue, and lowering my patience. So part of weeks 2 and 3 was I stopped taking my Rx, pretty much. Which is bad because...not only does it rev my metabolism, but lack of it can basically 'swiss cheese' my brain...autopsies reveal those without the Rx have Alzheimer's like plaques and lesions, & cat scans are similar to them too. So after slacking during week 2, I started taking it pretty regularly again. I've been on it for 3 decades, and, like most things with me...I'm not THE most consistent, though I can develop the habit, esp. with a regular schedule (which I mostly dislike).

So I was going to do my weekly weigh-in but my more recent slackerly and binge-y habits had me a little apprehensive (esp. as I HAVEN'T been food tracking in my slack) so I slacked on it too, but then today I was next to the scale, changing clothes (it's in my bedroom, but I've been sleeping lately on the daybed in the next room) and was pleased to be down 3.4 pounds (though part of it's probably lack of water weight? ...I'm pretty dehydrated at this point). Really it's not huge, with the 0.6 the week before it adds up to 4 pounds in 2 weeks, which is what I've been going for, 2 pounds a week...but I was hoping for some bigger numbers. I guess I just want all the pounds to instantly melt away because I worked out hard 1 week, lol. I HAVE lost 7 pounds this month, and am doing a netzero through the end of June starting today, because I'd love to be down at least 10 pounds for June, or at latest by July 4 (freedom! of weight released...). So that's my complicated slackerly self-care spiritual week 3 challenge response. Maybe it's all because Mercury's in retrograde.

June Week 3-Body: 'walk for fun'...I sat for fun instead, lol. I haven't been walking as much, because of ticks, humidity, sun exposure, etc. Much of my exercise was indoors, though I was doing some gardening too.

June Week 3-'Nutrition': 'Enjoy summer produce': I had picked up a Papaya, which was on sale, and which I believe I've had before, but really wasn't sure what it tasted like. It was nice, gorgeous orangey flesh, not too sweet. I had it in fruit salad several times. I also picked up a fresh pineapple (also on sale) and had that for dessert today, with some Greek yogurt.


Member Comments About This Blog Post
    I'm not replying to this right after you wrote it, so I hope the netZero challenge has done well for you and that you can finish it tomorrow, on schedule, with your goals met.
    I've been having to exercise indoors lately, too. It's been either too hot, too rainy, or (these past few days) too dusty due to the Saharan dust storms enveloping our area.

    412 days ago
  • vno profile photoCD4994568
    Awesome Sauce!
    415 days ago
    You're honestly doing well! 7 lbs. released in a month! That's great.

    Just a suggestion here from a fellow thyroid warrior. Have you had your level check lately to see if you need a med adjustment?? I know I have to have mine done twice/yr. because my thyroid med needs change when it's hot and when it's cold. Just a thought.

    Hugs and have a good weekend.
    415 days ago
    emoticon on your weight loss !
    You CAN do it !
    Thanks for sharing .
    416 days ago
    Taking a small break can often bring a strong rebound to get on track ~ looks like you are doing just that - you got this! emoticon
    416 days ago


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