Blogday 22(-19)_100days: Saturday $hopping had tech difficulties all weekend, for one reason or another, and blogday 21 which I just posted was because we lost electrical power Friday night, which does NOT happen often, for more than a few minutes...
...anyway, ended up opting to go out & do a supply run Saturday. Partly *because* of the storm, and because I was going out, I opted to stop by our farmer's market (very close!) for the first time this season. Got some sweet peas, mizuna mesclun salad mix, watercress, garlic scapes (almost more for their cool shapes so I stuck em in a vase), a kale bunch, some farm fresh eggs, a basil 4 pack to plant (cheaper than single tiny pots), a green onion bunch, 5 beets with their greens attached & maybe some other stuff I can't recall right now....was pleasantly surprised that it was happening, but not *too* crowded.
Then I opted to go do some non-home/garden shopping...hit Best Buy to just see what PC's were available. THEN dropped BIG BUCKS at the sale at Michael's 6 bags of stuff, including semi-precious gemstone strings, candles, photo boxes (for mom), some acrylic yarns (sometimes they are necessary, imo), some clearance items, some stuff that was 70% off, like some galvanized steel containers, a few silk flowers (purple iris, because my fave one didn't bloom in the front this year! though it did bloom in the back...), other stuff I can't recall.
Then I hit a big box store, and ended up getting more produce: seedless watermelon, purple plums for dad, white nectarines for me, strawberries, cherries, 'candy' grapes, avocados, our fave campari tomatoes, oranges, lettuces (spring mix & romaine hearts), etc., plus a bunch of shelf-stable stuff, AND a palm for $14, because I miss AZ & also the tropics. I sat in the parking lot, in the shade of the hatch of my SUV, with the back & passenger seat (the palm), & behind the driver's seat...for the shelf stable stuff, and wiped it all down with a few sterilizing wipes (except some of the produce) which took awhile, but got it all in faster then loading, unloading, washing down in the garage,
...and it;s pretty much the last okay time to even consider transplanting tomatoes, because of the post-storm soil moisture, & impending high temps for the week, while still being quite nice, so I shopped for them too. Went to my fave garden transplant-starts-deals place, and it was late enough in the season* that there pretty good prices were lower: a flat (12 @ 4-packs = 48 plants) was $13. It's a smaller local place, and the boss left while I was there, and since they were gonna close within hours, she'd cleared out their ones, so I went back & got 4 herbs for $7, so it was an even $20 (plus I wanted to get 2 of my frequent shopper stamps, each for $10). Should be getting my card filled soon...
*the reason I didn't put 'em in sooner was that it's rodaentpalooza this year in the yard as my cat died in early early spring, and apparently he was an even better mouse'r, & vole'r & rabbit'r & chipmunk'r, etc., than I even knew....
Member Comments About This Blog Post
That was some $$$hopping trip!
I hope you've got your tomatoes and herbs in the ground now and that they don't get rodentpaloozaed before you get to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
412 days ago - vWHITEANGEL4
Great day for you
412 days ago - v1CRAZYDOG
Sounds like you scored good things this weekend! Good for you.
412 days ago
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