Debating Goals -end of Sept
The title is a play on a couple of things...the US 2020 Pres debate, & my Sept assessment & Oct goals, and debating whether I should even post this. (this 1st part is what I wrote as a comment on someone else's post): My theories, not necessarily original... The bombast of tRump (& that moniker *really* fits his behaviour last night, as it often does) was designed for several purposes: Primarily to: (1) RATTLE Joe (remember when Donald did the stalking thing to Hillary for same hoped for effect?) so that Joe would have harder time getting his message out, which worked for first half/third. and (2) trying to provoke Joe into a stuttering episode, but Joe's half century in the public eye pretty much inured against that happening in any sort of really disastorous way (3) bullying & bombast as distraction from Joe's arguments prosecuting Donald's abysmal handling of (i) Covid19 response, and subsequent mishandling of both (ii) economy and then (iii) school...