Debating Goals -end of Sept


The title is a play on a couple of things...the US 2020 Pres debate, & my Sept assessment & Oct goals, and debating whether I should even post this.
(this 1st part is what I wrote as a comment on someone else's post):
My theories, not necessarily original...
The bombast of tRump (& that moniker *really* fits his behaviour last night, as it often does) was designed for several purposes:
Primarily to:
(1) RATTLE Joe (remember when Donald did the stalking thing to Hillary for same hoped for effect?) so that Joe would have harder time getting his message out, which worked for first half/third. and
(2) trying to provoke Joe into a stuttering episode, but Joe's half century in the public eye pretty much inured against that happening in any sort of really disastorous way
(3) bullying & bombast as distraction from Joe's arguments prosecuting Donald's abysmal handling of
(i) Covid19 response, and subsequent mishandling of both
(ii) economy and then
(iii) schools.
(4) bombast *WAS* designed to turn off generally younger and/ poorer voters, who tend to vote Dem, some of them being low-info &/ low-turnout propensity voters,
(5) white(male) fragility & conservative argument about being victims of media (even though it was a CONSERVATIVE FauxNews moderator...some of Wallace's questions were fairly pointed, by either omission or commission...
emoticon emoticon emoticon
Reviewing my Sept goals:
My Spark goals:
emoticon 2) Hydration emoticon
emoticon 3) Low-impact cardio daily at least 10 min, but 3-5 days longer sessions, up to 2 hours emoticon emoticon
emoticon 4) 2-3 days per week weights emoticon
emoticon 5) 2-3 days per week spin, usually during the 'A-Block' of Rachel Maddow's show emoticon emoticon
emoticon 6) Back to working on my push-ups challenge emoticon
emoticon 7) Walks at least 2-3 days per week; need to remember NOT to overdue it...took me a year to heal from 2019 summer achilles injury after one especially long session emoticon emoticon
emoticon 8) Daily projects-home emoticon
emoticon 9) Daily projects-PC emoticon
emoticon 10) Daily projects-garden emoticon
The thing that would have made *this* a September to remember is working my plan & seeing the results. I was also supposed to come up with a reward system list. Didn't happen.

Overall, it *was* a maintenance-type of month (though I'm so! not yet on maintenance). But as a former politico/staffer (& I went off track as I considered becoming one again & then rejected (due to covid) until RBG (which was really too late) doing a full-time (really overtime) gig...anyway; I'm re-upping my Sept goals for Oct, but sub'ing in gotv for garden in #10

Remember #maskUp & #blm

Member Comments About This Blog Post
    **SIGH** Yes, I was hoping that Joe would be in his element, but he was bullied and rattled. **SIGH**

    We'll see where all this goes. I don't see it ending well.

    You have a solid plan. Hope that October is a good month for you.

    318 days ago
    318 days ago
    I could only stomach eight minutes of the debate. Did you notice that even the commercials advertising the debate looked so much more loaded and aggressive this year? It looked like they were advertising a boxing match... Ugh. I live in a very red part of a very red state... It has been tough.

    I think having a "maintenance" month is good practice. After all, the journey is never really done. There are no finish lines. So I think it's a good idea to lose a chunk of weight and try to maintain that before losing more. It can't be a full on sprint all the time; we'd exhaust ourselves!
    319 days ago
  • vLORI-K
    You already know I love this blog and every single point you made about the debate. The dictator upped his bully game to rattle Joe and expose his disability of stuttering. And to try to distract from the fact he has no clue what he’s talking about on ANY issues. He is vile and disgusting and anyone who has half a brain can see what he was doing. He did himself no favors with his “performance”. And he has ensured that better governing will be in place for their future debates. He won’t get away with those disgusting tactics again. He is a petulant man child.

    Your goals from Sept carried over into October sound like a good, solid plan. September was an off month for me also. We have a whole new month ahead! Let’s take the stress of the election drama and apply it to our goals for extra motivation and energy!
    We’ve got this.

    emoticon emoticon emoticon emoticon
    319 days ago


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