Melting March Springs Spring
My theme for this month (which I did start on Monday, but hadn't been able to blog) , is "Melting March", meaning melting me in the melting environment around me. I had hints of and inspiration for the thaw from others this past Saturday night full moon zoom—populated mostly by people here in the mitten of Michigan, and mostly gardeners, and some slightly colder places: the UP of MI and Quebec—and many of them mentioned seeing snowdrops (a first flower of Spring) near them. That day, our snowdrops were still under 2 feet of snow. But now I had heard of others’ first tangible sign of Spring springing in...we still had temps that I decided were too cold and icy for me to go for walks safely, especially after hurting my hip last month snow-shoveling. February was a bit of a bust for me, on the sparking front, as it has often been: short and brutish (and brutishly cold, after a mostly mild winter), indulgent, cozy, and including resolution-busting events like fam...