22 New Year's Day Resolutions
Bucket list; 30 day and 100 day challenges; Year-long challenge; accountability buddies/partners
Substituting negative with positive...not "don'ts" but "do's"
List of fun stuff...rewards, month-by-month: flowers blooming, going to the beach, going out to various restaurants &/or bars, museum exhibits and musical concerts, new tech or entertainment, vacation, buying new clothes or items for home, festivals and festive occasions, family and friends' events
Word/Phrase of the Year
Life Audit
"... disciplined Saturn keeps its course through revolutionary Aquarius...rise of humanitarian concerns worldwide....may also see more questioning of ethics and privacy as human-centered design and artificial intelligence...Uranus, "the great disruptor," is in Taurus all year, dismantling outmoded structures and helping us to invent a new reality that serves all of us...shed old ideals, beliefs, and ways of thinking so we can begin to create a new version of ourselves that feels more authentic and aligned....a journey that will take time, and we have to give ourselves as much ease and grace....
We should keep Venus Retrograde in mind when writing New Year's resolutions and focus on manifesting abundance and new possibilities in each of these areas....
Mercury begins its first retrograde of the year in Aquarius, an intellectual Air sign (later 2: 'Gemini, starting on May 10, and in yet another Air sign, Libra, beginning September 9')...communication, thinking process, and mental health, so we can expect these retrogrades to bring us a major mindset shift throughout the year. However, combine all of this with Mars Retrograde -- also happening in Gemini beginning October 30 -- and mental health issues could become more prevalent in 2022...Dec 29: Rx@Cap
The magic of manifesting
in ethereal Pisces. Jupiter is actually the traditional ruler of Pisces, so there's familiarity and an ease (expansion & good luck)...February 17, Jupiter forms an easy connection with awakening Uranus, making us eager for positive change. This planetary meetup creates the opportunity for us to make necessary shifts in our lives, and we may find ourselves receiving unexpected opportunities at this time....Neptune happens to be the modern ruler of Pisces. Having both of these profound planets in this creative sign gives us the opportunity to envision a new world together, filled with universal love, compassion, and peace. On April 12, Jupiter and Neptune will join together exactly to form a spiritually powerful union. This is a great time for philosophical and spiritual self-development and listening to our intuition. However, it is not a great time for business dealings or other practical tasks
Upheavals in the collective
the biggest event in the history of the United States of America: its Pluto Return. In February, Pluto will return to its natal position in the United States' birth chart -- this is a major event that the US has never experienced since its founding almost 250 years ago in 1776....the exact date of this event is February 20, we've been feeling this energy coming for quite some time now. Some astrologers even believe that the events of 2020 were the prelude to what is to come during the US's Pluto Return....expect to see themes of revealed secrets and atonement continue to rise on America's soil. This Pluto homecoming is a huge moment for not just the US, but for the entire planet, as major powers around the globe will grapple with the rapid shifting of the economy and unleashing of revolutionary forces. This powerful moment in history is preparing the world for Pluto's entrance into futuristic Aquarius in 2023.
...a series of four Solar and Lunar Eclipses happening in mysterious Scorpio and grounding Taurus....an opportunity to face our darkness, atone for our wrongdoings, and move forward with integrity while helping to co-create a new existence that is built on truth and love." - https://www.tarot.com/horoscopes/2022
BONUS: 12 Themes for 2022
- January: Moving Leanly Forward; Accountability
- February: Healing
- March: Mindfulness
- April: Re*silience
- May: SEEDS: Tiny Steps--Repeated--Make Big Changes; Break big goals down into smaller steps
- June: Cycles; mini-assessment
- July: Progress NOT Perfection
- August: Consistency
- September: Self-Care
- October: Opportunity
- November: HARVEST: Reflection
- December: Joy and ___
- 2023....
- Lose weight...because it's the top resolution, and because health is important and losing weight makes us healthier (at least the large majority of us), and because, in 2022, obesity is a comorbid condition during covid
- Mental health work
- Dental health...brush & floss within an hour after dinner
- Eating healthier...nutrition is the point of fuel
- Moving more, most hours
- Start working out earlier in day, maybe first thing
- Sitting less...standing more
- Drinking more water
- Quitting smoking if you still smoke
- Random acts/words of kindness, daily; some can be to yourself! also on social media
- Read, offline...a book a month?
- Learn a new language (https://www.duolingo.com/ is free)
- Learn to play a musical instrument
- Learn to code: freecodecamp.org
- Organization time!
- Clean up clutter
- Delete your digital detritus
- Do more low-waste, sustainable, eco-friendly actions in your life
- Assess your spending and recyclables and figure out how to upcycle them
- Gratitude journaling; attitude of gratitude acts go in gratitude jar for Thanksgiving
- General journaling &/ writing daily
- Meditation &/or Yoga practice daily
- Be Brave: do something scary
- Craft/create something
- Sleep hygiene
- Talk less, listen more
- If not fully vaccinated & boosted, do so, now
- Visit a national park; free visit days: https://www.nps.gov/planyourvisit/fee-free-parks.htm
- Volunteering
- Planning &/tracking goals; goal-setting and achieving, reviewing
- $$: budget, job, finance hacks, saving $, spending less, investing in/for self
- Try/learn something new
- Plug into spirituality: prayer, meditation, magic, nature
- Pomodoro breaks
- Routines: Morning, Evening, Daytime
- Breaking Routine...Being Spontaneous
- Bucket List
- Connecting, esp. healing w/ problematic people
- Daily Digital Detox/Deadline
- Slow Eating...savor bites
- Closet clean out
- Search & swap out sugars (soda, coffee, sweets, etc. (also look for hidden sugars: canned goods, baked savory goods (crackers, breads, etc.)))
- Look at other ingredients
- Politics: think global, act local
- Do it now...anything that will take less than 10 minutes
- Shop locally
- 1 second daily for movie of life of 4 min
- Outdoors daily...but with sunscreen
- Prep...bug out kit; pantry stock-up; alternatives
- Clean screens
- CBD?
- Travel
- More sleep
- Read ancient philosophies/classics
- Ted Talk in the morning
- Side hustle/start a biz
- Devote 1 hour daily to dreams
- Calisthenics: Planks, push-ups, lunges, etc.
- Checking (& acting on) email REGULARLY
- Spiritual quality of resolutions: promises to Deaities*
- Connect with spirit
- Honor your soul's intent
- Crystal Grids
- Deep Breathing Practice
- Dream Journal
- Tarot
- I-Ching
- Astrology Basics
- Astrology Cycles...____
- Prayer
- Spells
- Altars
- Moving Meditations
- Lunar Cycles of the Year
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