S&R: PBS Show "Step It Up with Steph": 'Weight Loss Right Now' re-run

New Series: S&R (Summary & Review)


        Focusing on a woman who hadn't lost anything in a while

Bloodwork: vitD (low=slow); TSH, T3, T4  also B12, theratin

REWARDS?:   *lipo (5 lbs-8, contouring, not 20), also non-invasive: cool sculpt (freezing) thermage / juvashapes (rate of frequency machines), also laser machines

            target specific, realistic about what can happen

            lipo as jump start, gotta maintain...minimally invasive, so lower risks

jump/kick start metabolism: go to bed @ 10, up @ 6; small meals, lotsa protein+VEG meals, exercise 4-5/week: lighter workouts when stressed, reduces cortisol levels

Positive reward system: travel? (crafts??)

50% of women on a diet at any time


Hi-Low-Lean-No (Dr. Karina...Karina Method)

High: plants and WATER

    Low: plant fats, avocado, unsalted seeds, nuts

Lean: protein...star of plate

    No: sugar (replace with natural sugars like honey, dates, maple syrup)

& No: salt (replace with medicinal spices...turmeric, cinnamon, peppers)

snack: Karina method homemade granola (hi clean carbs, low fat, protein, sweet&savory)

*TIPS* for success from on-the-street:

  • start slow, track calories
  • get a dog, walk it
  • moderation
  • apps for tracking
  • consistency for months
  • bike & go
  • lotsa time to figure it out

Yoga-lates (yoga + pilates: Yogalates?) 5-10 min:

  1. Pilates roll down, abs in, slow, arms overhead, & slowly peel roll back up
  2. Straighten legs & forward fold head to knees, hands to toes
  3. Head up, knees bent & do 1. Pilates roll down, again (do these 3 steps 3 times)
  4. Cat position, arch down (inhale), up (exhale)
  5. Still in cat, lift opposite arm & leg (floor warrior)
  6. Bring opposites to center, still not touching floor, crunching together, exhale; 3 times, repeat with other opposite arm & leg
  7. Walk hands forward then pop butt & feets into downward dog, can have knees bent & feet wide apart for modification, & leave just on toes
  8. Now forward into plank position (push-up); modification: on knees; press through palms & all 10 fingers, then shift back into downward do; repeat 3 times
Breakfast within an hour of waking up; yoga-lates, focus on core; eat more fatty acids: flax seeds, chia seeds, more fish, fish oils; walking, meditation, whole foods, planning meals, positive self-talk mindset, self-care
Not one-size fits all

Changes for a month, see results, start to be routine, lifestyle
Checked in with woman who'd lost 5 pounds after 1 month then 1 year later, w/after pics where she'd lost more

Good overall:
  • The idea of lipo or other body sculpting medical processes as a reward or kickstart sounds good as a LONG-TERM REWARD! after success
  • Also the workout was hard for me now...my belly got in the way as the 30 pounds I'd lost last year had come back in Feb once stress of Russia invading & committing war crimes on my family's country (Ukraine)
  • Take-aways to focus on in June: 
    • WATER, 
    • movement (mowing lawn, walks, yogalates)
    • more green (veg), less white (flour, sugar)
    • long-term rewards list tbd
I would watch more of her shows; 
        plus I just weighed myself this AM, so know I need to re-focus on this
Today: so far: couple hundred calories of whole grain bread, another 300 hundred with banana, peanut butter, (+ t. jam); 100 more for latte; couple hundred more for 2 cheesesticks & a small peach
5 min yogalates (starting pretty much not strong, though I could do downward dog better than I remember (tho legs wide) but lost balance on slowness of kneeling warrior; did mods on plank & roll-downs
MAYBE: garden this afternoon, or mow; else gonna clean basement & dance downstairs when folks home from tato's eye Dr. last-min appt., plus gotta close tabs!


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