
Showing posts from December, 2010

Continuing curve, somewhat slowly but surely

  Finding it a little pushy to post everyday, because I'm in like 80-90? groups, lol, and hate it when my name is one of the most recent a few days later when I visit some of them. Speaking of groups, I *AM* planning on winnowing some, because I signed up for tons to hit different interests, but some are multiples, and others aren't active currently, and it's just not efficient to have so many. But didn't really screen 'em beforehand, just like I don't rinse dishes before the dishwasher (I figure if 2 or 3 dishes need re-cleaning afterwards, no big; much more time and especially water-consuming (and also a bit of fossil fuel energy) to pre-rinse the whole load beforehand, rather than 0-3 after)...and I know, some think dishwashers aren't efficient, but studies show they are more, than washing by hand, plus it's my WORST chore, (maybe because as a kid, as the oldest of 4 it was my responsibility) worse than toilets, mopping, laundry, cleaning, etc. Anyway...

5 Reasons why I Want to Lose Weight-Spark 5% Winter Challenge

  Too fat, even if somewhat a 'fit fat' as I like to call it (just ran a 5k, and I wasn't the last one! and time was a little slower due to ice over most of the course sidewalk, and I didn't run in the street). Fat enough that the home scale doesn't register me, which was embarrassing to note on the private team's weigh-in board...I'm the heaviest one. :( I'm not even sure if my estimate is correct...I *just* had broken the 300 pound barrier last time I was sparking, but now I'm above it again, though my clothing hasn't changed much so I think I'm basically the same. The other reasons, besides embarrassment / defensiveness / stress about many weird little things like the scale: 1) a kick-off for the new year, accomplishing something 'big' in my fitness goals in 2010 besides running a 5k. 2)'s cancer and dad's heart issues and my approaching 50's (a couple of years off) mean that some of their health issues wil...

Back on track

  Felt okay about binge-ing on buttered popcorn (used healthier spread), over the weekend, until I saw the total fat g...whoops. 'S-okay though, did force self to exercise...need to spend less time on fb, and get up earlier. Haven't gotten myself to do the AM exercise yet, will do so tomorrow, either because I'm more motivated, or, really, because of the LAKE EFFECT least several inches to shovel...dig out winter clothes!. Was going to log into spark yesterday eve, but then had several hours of PC issues, that somehow fixed themselves, after several reboots and I logged into safe mode with networking...was able to update malwareBytes and ran full scan-nothing...meanwhile WAS online in inet backgammon. Weird. But now caught up with almost all logging, except fitness Oh, and spark is having trouble with logging fitness...can't enter it 'cuz nothing comes up. Member Comments About This Blog Post v SILLYHP1953 I've had to fogive myself for quite a lot...

Blog/day=3rd Dec: Goals, plans

  December GOALS and Action PLANS Goal: Co-incident with 5% Winter Challenge: 5% loss o' self (w/ 5% gain in self-determination?) MOVE: Try for twice a day, to really kick-start things (and to make myself far more productive in the AM, lol), as available,   ```````but *definitely* at least 30 min aerobics, 15 min strength x5 days/week; trying to go outside, even in the cold, at least 3 x per week;       Ideas to try: skating, skiing, of course shoveling snow, walking, running on track? spinning, video workouts (dvd, online, tv on demand) dancing @ home and going out, heavy cleaning of sis' place                   FUEL: ~1300 cal/day +/-... generally: clean protein, maybe even twice a day & veg to support working out, filled out with whole grain carbs and fruit               Ideas to try: more soups-daily, more protein for breakfast, along with oatmeal; lower-fat cheeses; cottage ...