
Showing posts from November, 2021

Dec. '21 SMART -er Goals Plan & Visualizations

30 days it's time to write out my: D e c e m b e r 2021 SMART -er Goals Plan Tomorrow is Wed., Dec. 1, day 1 of a new month (+ a new moonth cycle begins Sat. Dec. 4: New Moon in Sag...more on that in another blog post) When thinking about my goals recently, I had several things I noted that I wanted to include in my goals list, though key was weight loss, after being shocked at the Dr.'s office last week (the rest are the 7 self-improvement goals at the bottom):     -KEY goal: weight loss,⚖πŸ˜πŸ™†πŸ™ˆπŸ™‰πŸ™ŠπŸ˜» of course (ideal would be 10 pounds down, then 100 in 2022, then the rest in 2023). Unfortunately,😒😭😿 I won't be able to hit my original goal of 200 down by doing 10 pounds a month by my 60th in early Feb., 2023, but that's okay,😨😒😟, I guess,😧😦😣😬 or so I am trying to tell myselfπŸ‘½πŸ‘ΈπŸ˜πŸ˜±πŸ˜³πŸ‘… would have been great to do soπŸ˜”πŸ˜’πŸ˜‘... but I messed that up with my re-gain in this 2nd year of the pandemic (... PANDEMIC ) after a strong lo...

13 Reasons to Lose Weight

OBVI: Look better Live longer Live easier Live healthier Easier clothes shopping Tired of feeling bad about feeling fat Look better naked Look better in a bathing suit Easier to fit underwear & bras Cuter/cooler clothes No huffing & puffing with moderate movement Not unhappy when I'm in pictures Visible muscles (have some pretty good biceps/triceps but arm fat makes it less apparent)

Day 1 for the rest of 2021 (the last ~45/6 days); yearend+monthly, weekly & daily goals

  Mo(o)nthly/Year-end GOALS: Lose 10-20 pounds &; it's gonna be hard with holidaze, oncoming winter, & gen'ly Blog here/writing daily Clean up basement Code regularly Other healthcare How: 1a: LOG FOOD on paper, then into mfp; EXERCISE 10 min daily min; up to 2+ hours on 5 days/week, for starters, plus cooking healthy recipes & 1800 cals or less; ***8 CUPS OF WATER 2-5: daily+weekly plans This week: Get started Come up with nano proj or opt out; blog here and there 13 hours basement cleaning M-T,  3 hours planting 3-5 hours (half hour to one/day) Start dental care more regularly; go to Dr. TODAY, goals: Log food 8 hours basement cleaning:  1 hour family room cleaning ?1-2 hours  Mop kitchen? Brush & floss Food shop Make chili Mom's Dr. appt Do __ ice cream carton storages (figure out timing) TIMELINE: b4 10: breakfast 10-11: web 10, clean 45 incorporating 5 min move; then web 5/move 5 11-12: web 5, move 5, clean 50 noon-1: web 5, move 5, clean 50 go u...