...in case you missed it, food for thought.... Watching CNN, 'New Day w/Alisyn Camerota'...the 'remembering lives lost to coronavirus' segment; and just before this, was Dr. Sanjay Gupta who pointed out that, in terms of schools being open or not, 'there's not a lot of data because most kids around the world have been home since March, but in Israel, many schools opened May 3; level of original incidence was low there, but rose substantially after schools opened', enough that many closed again July 3. data from Israel DoH Also, www.freecodecamp .org/ is a great resource for those interested in learning how to code; maybe someone you know. Similar resources in person cost around 10k. Member Comments About This Blog Post v IMPROVINGME I just finished trying to find out information online about reopening plans for the two school districts where my grandchildren live. Can't find anything definitive yet for either one. My daughter is a teacher, so I'm...